
Formulation : Capsule
Dosage : 30mg
Quantity : 30
Prescription Required
(All Prices in USD)


Vetoryl is a canine medication used to treat Cushing’s syndrome in dogs.

Trilostane is a selective hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor that affects the synthesis of cortisol and aldosterone. This inhibitory action allows Vetoryl to treat Cushing’s syndrome in dogs by reducing and regulating the levels of cortisol and aldosterone in their bodies.

Dosage and Administration

The dose of Vetoryl that is prescribed will vary depending on the dog and severity of their condition being treated. Follow all directions provided by your veterinarian and read packaging instructions carefully to ensure the best response from treatment. Do not change your dog’s dose without cosulting your veterinarian.

  • Administer capsules whole, do not split or break
  • Give with food in the morning
  • Wash your hands after handling Vetoryl capsules
  • Consider taking a picture of your dog at the beginning of treatment to more easily track their progress and improvements which can be gradual
  • Continue administering Vetoryl even if you notice improvements in your dog’s condition
  • Most dogs should start by taking 1 to 3mg/pound once daily
  • Treatment should start with the lowest effective dose based on body weight and capsules
  • Your dog should be re-examined after 10 to 14 days to determine if their doses should increase
  • If necessary, doses may increase to twice daily dosing with larger portions taken in the morning and smaller doses in the evening
  • Your dog should have regular checkups after 30 days, 90 days, and every 3 months following
  • Store capsules at room temperature away from children

Side Effects

Vetoryl may cause your dog to develop some side effects while affecting their levels of aldosterone and cortisol or they may not experience any at all. Speak with your veterinarian to learn more about any symptoms they may have during treatment.

Common Vetoryl side effects:

  • Lethargy
  • Decreased appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • vomiting

Serious Side Effects

Some more serious adverse reactions may occur during treatment. Stop administering your dog Vetoryl and call your veterinarian if they exhibit any of the following side effects:

  • Severe vomiting
  • Depression
  • Hemorrhagic diarrhea
  • Any serious signs of illness

Allergic Reactions

Do not give your dog Vetoryl if they have reacted to trilostane in the past.


  • Do not give Vetoryl to any dog with primary liver disease or kidney impairment.
  • Pregnant dogs should not take Vetoryl because the medicine could cause birth defects or early pregnancy loss.
  • Some dogs who take Vetoryl may develop hypoadrenocorticism where they lose adrenal function temporarily or permanently.
  • Tell your veterinarian before administering Vetoryl if your dog has ever had liver or kidney problems.
  • Humans should not handle Vetoryl tablets while pregnant or trying to conceive.
  • Some drugs may interact with Vetoryl and may cause adverse reactions. Tell your veterinarian about all the medicines you give your dog, especially any of the following:
    • Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors
    • Potassium sparing diuretics like spironolactone
  • Stop treatment and contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog develops signs of illness including vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, low appetite, weakness, or if collapse is observed.

Form and Strength

This canine Cushing’s syndrome medicine is available in capsule form.

  • Vetoryl capsule strength:
    • 30mg

The 30mg capsules are available in quantities of 30.


What time of day should I give my dog Vetoryl?

Vetoryl should be given once a day in the morning with food to help ensure your dog fully and easily absorbs the medication. Some dogs may be prescribed to take their doses twice daily; in these instances, if the divided doses are uneven the larger amount should be taken in the morning. Follow your veterinarian’s instructions for the best results.

How long can a dog be on Vetoryl?

Vetoryl is a safe and effective medication for treating Cushing’s syndrome by reducing and regulating levels of cortisol and aldosterone in your dog’s body. Many dogs will take this medication daily for the rest of their lives because it is used to maintain proper and healthy levels of these two chemicals.



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